Struggling With Insomnia?

Insomnia can disrupt daily life by causing irritability, exhaustion, tiredness, and difficulty staying focused. If being tired all of the time isn’t bad enough, this affliction is also believed to be a risk factor for other diseases, including obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Chronic, or recurrent, insomnia is a widespread condition affecting nearly 10-15% of the global population. The longer you struggle with this, the harder it becomes to treat. That’s why it’s important to learn how to deal with insomnia as soon as symptoms present themselves and to seek medical attention for evaluation and diagnosis as early as possible.
Many complex factors contribute to sleeplessness and insomnia including stress, anxiety, trauma, and habitual over-thinking resulting in abnormal brain wave function.
How Can Braincore Neurofeedback Help Insomnia?
Braincore neurofeedback therapy can make a powerful, positive impact on your ability to get a good night’s sleep. This technology helps to identify the brainwave imbalance that may be contributing to your inability to sleep. By retraining the brain and improving brainwave function in those key areas affected by insomnia, the brain is rewarded through neurofeedback for creating healthier patterns. As the brain learns new responses, new patterns and pathways develop improving brainwave function as you begin to sleep better, longer.
“BrainCore therapy made me feel like I was a better person, and like I could do anything”
— Alex
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